Pharm D 2nd Year Pharmacology-1 PDF Notes
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In the fascinating realm of pharmacy, pharmacology reigns supreme as the science that unlocks the secrets of how medications interact with our bodies. For Pharm D students entering their second year, Pharmacology-1 lays the foundation for understanding how drugs produce their effects and how best to utilize them in patient care. This Pharm D 2nd Year Pharmacology-1 PDF Notes post will equip you with valuable resources and strategies to navigate your Pharmacology-1 journey, whether you seek all-encompassing PDFs or prefer to target specific topics within the subject. Let’s dive into the world of pharmacology and explore the treasures that await!
This subject will provide an opportunity for the student to learn about the drug with regard to classification, pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects, adverse effects, uses, dose, route of administration, precautions, contraindications and interaction with other drugs. In this subject, apart from general pharmacology, drugs acting on autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, central nervous system, blood and blood forming agents and renal system will be taught. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the basic practical knowledge relevant to therapeutics will be imparted.
Upon completion of the subject student shall be able to (Know, do, appreciate) – a. understand the pharmacological aspects of drugs falling under the above mentioned chapters;
b. handle and carry out the animal experiments;
c. appreciate the importance of pharmacology subject as a basis of therapeutics; and
d. correlate and apply the knowledge therapeutically.
Pharm D 2nd Year Pharmacology-1 PDF Notes
Unit 1
General Pharmacology
Unit 2
Pharmacology of drugs acting on ANS
Unit 3
Pharmacology of drugs acting on cardiovascular system
Unit 4
Pharmacology of drugs acting on Central Nervous System
Unit 5
Pharmacology of Drugs acting on Respiratory tract
Unit 6
Pharmacology of Hormones and Hormone antagonists
Unit 7
Pharmacology of autocoids and their antagonists